EL008456 Work Program Nature of On Ground Exploration/Timing and Forecast Expenditure
A program of proposed staged exploration activities is set out below – exploration may be accelerated or moderated dependent upon success, staff availability and funding.
Stage 1 – Historical Research / Data compilation / Field Reconnaissance / Identify Stakeholders. Historical research on past exploration over this tenement will be undertaken along with data compilation to utilise all historical findings to forward plan the exploration program. Reconnaissance trips to site to undertake geological mapping and become familiar with the geology, ground conditions and local stakeholders.
Stage 2 – Geological mapping / Soil sampling/Geophysics. Planning for soil sampling grids over select targets will take place along with further detailed geological mapping and collection of local information to aid in all future exploration programs. Ground geophysics surveys such as electromagnetics (EM) and ground magnetics may be undertaken over high priority targets.
Stage 3 – Ground Based Geophysics. Assess all results to date on the area. 3D modelling of identified targets. Determine appropriateness of selected geophysical methods to assist with target definition.
Should future higher impact exploration activities be planned such as exploration drilling, it will involve a submission of a low impact exploration plan or work plan to Earth Resources Regulation, detailed rehabilitation plans, and monitoring and auditing. Environment Strategy All rehabilitation will be carried out as soon as is practicable after exploration activities have taken place and in line with the current Guidelines for environmental management in exploration and mining.
Triple Twenty Pty Ltd will ensure all staff and contractors are aware of all site-specific environmental sensitivities, such as weeds and endangered flora and fauna and will act accordingly. Triple Twenty Pty Ltd are committed to minimising or where possible avoiding environmental impact and will work in accordance with the Guidelines as determined by the Victorian Government and will facilitate effective rehabilitation of all disturbed areas. No wetlands, waterways or lakes will be impacted by exploration activities.
The Community Engagement Plan
In general terms, the licensee’s community engagement plan is broadly based on the following: Identify individuals or groups which may be impacted by the operations on the licence. This would involve the compilation of a list of adjacent landowners, persons living on or in the vicinity of the licence and other community groups which may be impacted by the operations. Groups such as the Victorian Farmers Federation or the local Field Naturalists Club, Government Departments, Federal, State or local, and other government bodies such as CMA’s who have a particular interest in the land on which the licence is situated should also form part of the consultation group. It will be necessary to identify the expectations or attitudes of these groups and individuals. Often a direct face to face approach is the best way to engage many members of the community. The licensee will need to assess the impact of their operation on these individuals and groups. Following the consultation, the full impact would be assessed by guidelines provided by the Department. An assessment will be made following the consultation as to what level of community input and involvement can be achieved. There are likely to be a range of matters which may need to be considered. Ideally, many of the ideas and suggestions will be mutually beneficial to both the licensee and the local community. Matters such as working hours or attitudes to working on days of high fire danger or working on hot and windy days may be matters which the local community could have views which need to be considered by the licensees. Any contact or complaint will be noted in a complaints book, and the licensee will promptly make suitable arrangements to contact the complainant. Where possible, the matter would be settled between the two parties, but the local Inspector or the Mining Warden may be requested to assist in resolving any issue or meditating on the matter. Such interaction with the community will be used to identify any issues that may be arising from the operations on the licence and will attempt to accommodate the views of the stakeholders in dealing with any such issues. The community is welcomed for their interest and input into ensuring that there are minimum adverse effects to the amenity of the area, or the impact on the expectation of the community for the peaceful enjoyment of their local environment. The licensee is mindful of the need to maintain these exceptionally good community relations and to ensure that the channels of communication between the licence holder and the community in which it operates are kept open. All discussion with the community is based on mutual trust and respect.